If you thought all a writer does is sit at her desk and write, think again! I spent an afternoon with a friend and her talented daughter composing a background score and singing Rooster Raga for my session around my new book Rooster Raga.

Hear us croon out the Rooster Raga and join the fun from home as you read the book and sing along to the song.

Background score by Kaiya Pandit (11 years)

Vocals by Priyanka Pandit

Supporting vocals by Natasha Sharma

Lyrics from the book Rooster Raga

Here’s a sneak peek into the book with the lyrics laid out…

Sneak peek into Rooster Raga

Sneak peek into Rooster Raga

I read from the book and sing and dance to the Rooster Raga this weekend at the Junior Writers Bug festival, Maharashtra Nature Park, Mumbai. Sunday, December 8th, 11:45am.