What I’ve learnt in 50 readings

What I’ve learnt in 50 readings

I conducted my 50th book reading, yesterday!  I can still recall, rather vividly, the sheer terror that threatened to overtake me at the launch reading of Icky, Yucky, Mucky! at the Kala Ghodha Arts Festival in 2011. The moment when the tremor in my voice stopped and...

My woofs, burps and kukaroo-kuroos at Bookaroo

What a delightful and satisfying weekend this was! Bookaroo in Pune had the venue Sambhaji Park packed to capacity, hordes of excited children and lots and lots of storytelling. My session, Jive to the Rooster Raga had delightful moments with the children joining in...

My experience at Bookaroo in the city

This was my first time with Bookaroo in the city, and as all new things go, it was exciting to say the least. With a rushed three days in Delhi, my mornings began with readings from my recently released book, Bonkers! (Duckbill books). I read to groups as large as 150...

How does a book come about?

Spent a lovely morning jumping around with a bunch of enthusiastic children at the Cathedral Infant school in Mumbai, last friday. After the readings of Icky, Yucky, Mucky and Kaka and Munni, we had a question session. “Is Maharaja Icky real?”, “How...