by natashasharma | Dec 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
FUNKY RAINBOW AND ME! I met Vidya and Shyam for the first time at one of the children’s lit fests many moons ago and experienced the joy of Funky Rainbow first hand in a trip to Bangalore where I read Princess Easy Pleasy in a session organised by them. It was...
by natashasharma | Oct 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
WHAT MAKES KOOL SKOOL SPECIAL? KoolSkool is an independent bookstore in Gurgaon with a focus on children’s books. The bookstore has been around for almost a decade and during this period we have seen children growing up from board books to young adult anthologies....
by natashasharma | Oct 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
LIGHTROOM AND ME I drool over the fabulous collection that Lightroom often highlights in their insta feed, feel envious of all those cosy nooks I see there as also of the wonderfully active children’s author community that seems to converge in this wonderful...
by natashasharma | Sep 23, 2020 | Uncategorized
KAHANI TREE AND ME! I first met Sangeeta who runs Kahani Tree at my children’s school book exhibition, many years ago (which doesn’t make either of us a day older than the children in the books we love). She was flitting around recommending books, sharing...
by natashasharma | Sep 16, 2020 | For parents
Don’t we all love indie booksellers? Many of my happiest childhood memories revolve around bookstores. Growing up in Amritsar, we had Rajat Book Depot that stocked a selection of children’s books that never fulfilled my voracious appetite. Then there was...