NPS: New Plot Syndrome

As of last night, I’ve moved past my Post Manuscript Syndrome stage with Squiggle, part 2 – yes, it is a GO and I couldn’t be more thrilled and excited about moving a step closer to the crucial design stage for this book. Meanwhile, I’ve...


Every year, February comes around with the promise of much excitement. Chock full of birthdays and anniversaries in my family, it is a month of celebration. The weather is always brilliant. It is still early enough in the year to hope to stick by new year...

Rooster Raga at Auxilium, Carona- Aldona

Rooster Raga at Auxilium, Carona- Aldona. Found this post about an absolutely fabulous session around Rooster Raga conducted at Auxilium in Goa. Thank you Sheena for selecting the book and to bookworm for sharing the details of your session. I am going to take...