by natashasharma | Aug 20, 2014 | Uncategorized
I conducted my 50th book reading, yesterday! I can still recall, rather vividly, the sheer terror that threatened to overtake me at the launch reading of Icky, Yucky, Mucky! at the Kala Ghodha Arts Festival in 2011. The moment when the tremor in my voice stopped and...
by natashasharma | Dec 9, 2013 | Uncategorized
Put together a bunch of writers, illustrators, folk singers, storytellers, theatre people and more such. Plonk them in the middle of a nature park. Drive in hordes of excited kids and happy parents. Add in the lovely Kitab Khana bookstore. Tie it together with...
by natashasharma | Nov 20, 2013 | Uncategorized
Ruru’s Kukaroo-kuroo at Bookaroo Delhi Move over, lungi and singham dance, we say, because the simply spectacular Jeeva Aunty is here with a foot-tapping (soon to be chart topping) number with so much zing it’ll also make you sing! Jeeva Aunty will flag...
by natashasharma | Apr 15, 2012 | Reading Schedule
Will be at the Junior Writer’s Bug Literary Festival to be held next weekend April 21st and 22nd in Mumbai. SO glad to see someone putting together a children’s lit festival here. I am conducting three sessions on Sunday, April 22nd 2012. 10am -11am: A...